Accessibility Act Policy

Accessibility Act Policy & Report

Trans-Frt McNamara is committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and accessibility. This commitment is integral to our company culture and is essential for our continued growth and competitiveness as an employer in the trucking sector. We aim to contribute to a barrier-free Canada by developing an accessibility framework that enhances the experience of both our employees and the public we serve, through our services, products, and facilities.

We understand that creating a barrier-free environment takes time, and we are dedicated to the ongoing identification, removal, and prevention of barriers. Trans-Frt McNamara will build upon our current efforts by developing our initial Accessibility Plan, as required under the Accessible Canada Act.

This Accessibility Plan will guide our organization in meeting our accessibility commitments and in cultivating an accessibility-confident culture. To address gaps in these areas, it is crucial to recognize and understand the needs of individuals with disabilities. Therefore, this plan was developed in consultation with employees who identify as having a disability, through surveys, roundtable discussions, and one-on-one interviews. Additionally, we consulted with external organizations that serve people with disabilities in the development of this plan.